For Sale: Vivian's Craft & Accessories

For Sale Items

1. Accessory Box. $5/pc. Simply made for storing daily used accessories. (5,000won)


2. Chair cover ....$1.25 dollar/pair; $ 5dollars/set (8 pieces) ..( 1,500 won; 5,000/set)










 Chair booties help protect your floor from       scratches and unpleasant sounds  when moving your chair....             


3. Vegetable Yarn Sponge. $.80cents/pc; $8/10pieces(800won/pc)

 Very soft and long lasting. Soft enough to care your dish



Vegetable yarn sponge



4. Potpurri. Room Potpurri.  $1 each

Carefully made and allows air to pass thru. You can place your collected scented dry leaves/ or stuffs




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