English Games for Elementary :http://viviansturningpoint.blogspot.com/2014/03/english-games-for-elementary.

Motivating students thru games when teaching .


Part I. 

Stand up or Spring up games:

       Copy any words from  the dialogue or story into a separate sheet. Give the words to your students. Read the story/dialogue. Students must stand when they hear the words assigned to them.

Hangman :

 Spring Game: Guess the letter/word. If students can guess the letter/s. The seed must grow like adding roots, leaves, stems and flower.

Word Association.

     Ex. egg-goat-taste-eat-time-

Arranging letters  to make word/s

         ex.  latep  -  plate, late, ate, eat, pet, pat, ape….

Figuring out what sentence/word

Board Game..make your own board game pattern it with the Game Trip to heaven..

Card Down. follow the color or beginning letter of the card. some words like distribute 1 card to each player, take 0ne/two or put down any cards.

Finding anything in the book. Each student from the class will say......
     "open your book and find ….people, animals..(refer to your index cards)"
      let them count , student/s with the  highest numbers found of what had been asked is/are the winner.

Passing words or sentences

     …..by whispering, by actions, by chopsticks....



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