My first aquascaping

Got inlove with plants and people say,  I have a green thumb. I wanted to try aquascaping.
I watched youtube how to take care water plants and decided to have my aquascape too. This is my first time. I used colored sand, dried moss for the bottom, I collected terrestrial moss and soak it for almost 3 days for carpeting some part.
Planted water plant I bought.
I tried to make two. So one for my window sill and one in the veranda where I grow my orchids.
 water hyacinth, water plants and  duck weeds
for my aquarium..My house is full of plants and noticed that me and my family didn't catch cold. I can even smell fresh. My husband complains but he got used with it.  Sometimes, he peeps my the fish.. ^-♥^. Thanks God he gave this livings things for us to explore..Welcome to my all  hobbiest let us have fun..Health is wealth. These are healthy things to do.


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