My pet fish gave birth. May 27,2018

I am new to caring pet fish. The aquarist sold me a pregrant guppy. It has been 1 week. I place my aquarium near the veranda where I grow my orchids.

Every morning around 11a.m the sun strikes some part. I do not know yet the growing environment of pet fish but came home and notice small things swimming and one pregnant guppy is swimming still in one corner. She must be giving birth. I sat down and watched. So happy to watch her giving birth. I immediately went to check my growing moss
in a small fish bowl.. I catched 7 fries and placed in it.

Went to check again. And there are still fry swimming. I decided I will place a hiding place for the other fries. My aquarium jas no filter and an airpump.
I am changing the water and cleaning the bottom every after 2 days.


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