RED ALERT: Public Transportation help promote prevention of the spread of MERS, hand sanitizers attached on the bus.

      What is going on inside SOKOR!
         News in South Korea about MERS. Everybody is required to take precautions. Huwag matigas ang ulo. Hope and praying that South Korea will immediately find means of combating the spread of the Syndrome. 100% sure authorities are on Red Alert. Even  neighboring countries and high connections in the World Health are doing 24hours routine work  to help South Korea.
Public transportations too like buses attached hand sanitizers.
(the video is uploaded from the youtube, thanks for the video maker)
South Korea's population: statistical analysis shows that there is a decline of south korea's birth rate. The multicultural families in south korea helped in this matter but still after years it showed a no no good result. Now, the case of MERS in the country, a very sensitive issue, will it affect the birth rate?  the role of women in the country?  Is it time to look into considering women's woe for a better status? Considering the fact,  there is national and general free check ups starting from  40 years of age,  how about those productive years for both,  it should be free too ^-^ It may help boost the problem or at least a plus factor.
        Well,  the government have many programs inorder to promote good family planning. However, couples tend to marry during their late years maybe because of the economic standard of living or  family influence. Thanks too the high technology,  couples who wanted to have babies, bills can be shouldered by the government program. Couples are required to apply and submit the case inorder to fullfill the requirement and avail the benefits.
(The article is written as seen by the author's credibility is based from her point of view)


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