My English Language Sucks!! /2014/04/

My English Language  Sucks


        Writing is not easy for me. Also, I didn't mean to bastardize the language I am using. I am what you call "Trying Hard". Every person enjoys doing something to occupy his/her mind and time. It maybe very simple in others point of view. In my case, I spent two- three hours staring with  three sentences I  typed.

          Going back reading to what I have posted in my blog, huh! unbelievable! I can see my own errors. Should I stop? Then, I would be killing a part of me. Killing me softly..

          When we post pictures we want to say something, like a caption, a description, or an explanation. At the end, we can't stop writing, our fingers automatically pressing the keyboards and boom! we are forming words, words to a phrase, phrases to a sentence, sentences to a paragraph and then unknowingly didn't notice it became an article, a descriptive, an expository, debatable and so on. The problem is, if you aren't majored in the field of writing, a journalist or a writer  then you can't be sure if what you are doing is right.

          Honestly, I appreciate  somebody who would criticize, comment, and check my work.  Do you think I need one? No, I really need one! There is still a room for improvement. Just like 1+1 =11 no, 1+1 =2





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