Filipino Career vs Marriage in South Korea

(unedited and just keep on typing ......  )   
   I shouldn't talk about others. Better share mine..During my marriage, I struggled to find peace and unison between wife and husband. I am in the course of falling apart. However, my dreams for my kids woke me up into that nightmare and shine. My career, what am I going to do with my finished course? Now, its my time to prove what I am really made of! Improve potentials and not to be a mediocre! I can still remember the face of one of my professor when I was taking Masters' Degree (didn't finish it). He laughed at me when I was reporting (fresh from the oven). He left during my report and I was ashamed and know that I am no good. I'd remember that time for the rest of my life..

        My mind was full with many things.The other side of my brain thinks I should find time  to be interactively usable so as not to perish. (This wins) other side said, attending  my family. I can't do full time work because I'd prefer seeing my kids healthy going  to school. I can't count the times when they were sick.
         Still, I didn't waste some of my time just staying home. Dividing my time, I  started studying Korean Language at 여성 문화 Center near my community but it didn't last long. I was not happy about it.  In the afternoon, I teach English to Korean students in Jumincenter and in academies (Hagwon, 학원). It is still very frustrating in my part because I can't fulfill my responsibilities to  my two children. Why? In 2007 my two kids entered pre-school/kindergarten in which I am happy because I know it will help them. My problem is I am not fluent in Korean. Pain in my heart when I see them separated after school. I took the other girl and the boy is left to his grandma.  My son had been staying with his granies when I gave birth with my second child. However, I always keep in touch with him. During weekends, he comes home and plays with his younger sister. It's always like that until now. I know I failed to be a fulltime mom. Hope that someday they can understand me. it really pins me up. I spent the rest of my nights tossing and trying to figure out how to gather my family together. I heard from other mothers here in Korea, that they left their sons and daughters in a certain place (with pay) until they arrived  from work. In my case, I can't trust others except my husband's family. I always owe gratitude from my Korean in-laws. They are very supportive that sometimes I misunderstood.
         It seems,  time is too fast. I have survived, aged and come into something that is different. I was new here in South Korea in 2001. Raised being a God-fearing one made me whole. Balancing the ups and downs of living here. Working helps me relieve my stress emotionally. I found happiness when I go to my working place. I enjoyed teaching kids. They respected me and regarded me as a model to learn basic English Language.  Positively speaking, I learned how to carry myself, developed my self-esteem, and had confident in some level. Although some regarded my situation, a very common life style, I still found it something to be proud of as a working mother. Comparing myself to others (not to brag), life is not easy for them. Some may end up breaking with their husband to the extent of filing a divorce which is still out of my vocabulary.

Shouldn't we also consider this link.


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