Mind speaks

          We always say people to do this. We want to be served and to be looked at. What an ashame, I shouldn't wait others service. I should look at my hands and step forward. If I think always of  unworthiness in  everything I do then I will surely fail. Reasons,  because of something we did in the past, because of the fall, blah, blah, blah, help, help, help we always utter.  WE were given every chance and  if we keep  digging up the root, we will stick and end to the point where we are but useless accusing everybody  and even become selfish to our own self which isn't supposed to be. We are contradicting the passage "Our body is the Temple of God" if our body is the temple of God then we must manifest goodness, changes and attain beauty, love and respect.
         Sometimes we rely on what our imagination dictates and  think we're going insane. Great psychologist and  philosophers conducted researches which may support how people respond. How  did experiences and phenomena  affecting them causing a  gigantic impact that can mold  an individual's life and point of views. I for one have to search why such behavior comes out and differs to each other.
          I think our  mind is  like the hard disk of a computer. Whatever we see outside and learn  are encoded. Everything is stored. Imagine how many bytes! These stored things, may even become complicated when analized. After, it travels fast and spoken. The result maybe good and fatal. Good when appreciated and valued. It becomes fatal when it hurts everyone. When mind speaks it is very dangerous, destructive and a dagger when uttered. Our mind controls everything parts of our body.
       Take care of your mind and make sure to encode positive views and manifest wonderful ideas.


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