
          In every corner of the earth, life springs. We didn't choose our birth place and born with luck. Although others may claim they are not. Talking about normal situation, people are educated, acquire properties through  inheritance or  financial success, have power and gain popularity. Humans are likely to travel and explore their surroundings.
          During the process of growth and  basing from  Maslows' Hierarchy of Motives , we see things that we want to achieve so we  undergo the process. When we reach certain age like mid-thirties we tend to view things differently and see ourselves from others. People's life is very interesting combined with spiritual beliefs that some may say religion binds freedom. Our life is a puzzle. We ask the question Why? Solved it with what's happening. We can't find the solution when incline things  to a least favorable point of view. But an optimist looks  for chances.

          The picture portrays harmony. Green plants,  flowers bloom and the children gaily walk to their destination. Everyday seems another day. Let us leave today's burden for tomorrow is another day. A day with  innovation and hope where one's perception is respected.


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